How to Start Exercising: Low-Impact Workouts for Every Woman

How to Start Exercising: Low-Impact Workouts for Every Woman

On a mission to get moving? You might be out of practice, but that doesn’t matter, you can still move in ways that work for you to look after your body and mind. And we’re here to help! In this article, we’ll explore how to start exercising if you’re new to it. 

It’s all about low-impact workouts. There is no point pushing yourself straight into the deep end; it’ll only put you off the idea. Instead, take it slow and steady with a light workout routine that you can commit to and won’t scare you away. So, let’s outline a beginner’s workout routine for you to get started with, and you’ll be on your way to working out YOUR way in no time!

2 Low-Impact Workouts to Try

Delving into the world of exercise for the first time can be a daunting task. But we have suggestions for low-impact activities you can easily get on board with. It’s just about finding the activity that works with your lifestyle, gives you a positive introduction to exercise, and moves at a pace you can grow with. 

Low-Impact Yoga

One of our top picks for a low-impact workout would be yoga. Yoga is all about stretching and strengthing your body. It’s not high-intensity and doesn’t elevate your heart much. It’s often used as a relaxing activity, and although it does take strength and stability, you don’t need to be an expert at those things to begin with. It’s an activity that can be adapted to ability. Meaning, that as you improve, you can increase the difficulty. Yoga is for everyone, so a great place to start with exercising. 

Your yoga routine:

The beauty of yoga is it’s accessible. Do it from home from a YouTube video, or join a local class (there’s plenty around, so we’re confident you can find one near you). The important thing is consistency, if you stay consistent with a yoga routine, you will improve. We recommend doing a quick 10-15 minutes every other day or attending a longer class of 30+ minutes twice a week. 

To get you started, here are some easy and beginner-friendly moves to try:

•    Mountain Pose: One of the easiest to try. Simple stand with your feet together, big toes touching, heels slightly parted, arms by your sides, head facing forward, shoulders down, and collarbones widened. It should be a neutral pose, that produces a subtle stretch. 
•    Downward Facing Dog: A post to stretch your upper body, arms, chest, legs and back. Start on your hands and knees, and then tuck your feet beneath you so they are flat on the floor, stretching your legs to full extension. Have your hands in front of your shoulders and push up until they are also straight. Let your heels lift from the floor if you need to. Your body should make a sort of triangle shape, with your bum in the air and your body bent at the waist.

•    Plank: An easy transition from Downward Facing Dog. Lower your torso down, keeping your arms straight and bringing your bum down by lowering your body into a straight line, resting most of your weight onto your arms. 
•    Upward Facing Dog: Continue the routine into Upward Facing Dog. Relax from the Plank so your body is lying face down on the floor, and let your feet untuck so the base of your foot is facing the ceiling. Then place your hands on either side of your chest and push up. Leaving your legs straight out behind you and stretching your back. Lift your head so it follows the curve of your back, and your chin is lifted into the air. 

Low-Impact Bodyweight Exercises

Another accessible low-impact option is simple bodyweight routines. This requires no equipment, so you can head to the gym to do them or stay in the privacy of your own home to complete the moves. It comes in the name… bodyweight. Therefore, you are only using your own body and holding your weight in exercises to strengthen yourself. It’s about building muscle and using the muscles that are more neglected day-to-day. 

Your bodyweight routine:

Again, staying consistent is the goal. So, for your bodyweight routines, we suggest completing a couple of routines of 20-30 minutes a week. As you improve you might want to increase the number of days you perform the exercises, or simply up to time spent on them to 40+ minutes. Perform your exercises in 8 Reps over 3 Sets. That means doing 8 of the exercise and then resting for 30 seconds before completing another 8, for 3 rounds.

To get you started, here are some simple bodyweight exercises to try:

•    Jumping Jacks: Start off your routine with a more cardio-based bodyweight exercise. This will increase your heart rate and warm your body up for the routine ahead. Do 5 minutes of jumping jacks, where you create a star shape with your body as you jump. Jump with your arms in the air and feet parted beyond the shoulders, then jump back into the middle resting your arms and bringing your feet together. 
•    Push Ups: A tough one, but there are ways to make it easier! Get into that ‘Plank’ position from your yoga routine, but to make it easier, drop your knees to the floor and relieve the weight off your feet. Then you can lower your body down with your arms until your face is near the floor, then push back up. Do this 8 times, for 3 sets. 

•    Bodyweight Squats: We recommend approximately 8 squats for 3 sets. To squat properly, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, feet facing forward, your back should remain straight as you bend your knees, so you are emulating a sitting position, before coming back to standing, and then repeat. 
   Sit Ups: For an ab workout, roll onto your back so you’re laid down with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor. Place your hands so they are lightly touching the sides of your head (to keep from using them as momentum), and then fold your body so your chest meets your knees. Your feet should remain planted on the floor the whole time. Do this 8 times, for 3 sets.

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